Anti-bribery & Corruption Policy


Our organization is dedicated to operating in a way that is legal and ethical. Bribery and corruption are against the law and undermine the integrity of our organization and the communities in which we serve. This policy outlines our stance on bribery and corruption, as well as the steps we take to avoid it.

Bribery is referred to as the offering, promising, providing, accepting, or soliciting of an advantage as an inducement for illegal or unethical conduct. A bribe is an inducement or reward that is offered, promised, or provided in exchange for an economical, contractual, regulatory, or personal advantage. Our policy is to conduct all of our operations in an honest and ethical manner. We have zero tolerance for bribes and corruption. We are committed to conducting ourselves professionally, fairly, and with integrity in all of our commercial operations and relationships everywhere we operate, as well as to adopting and enforcing strong anti-bribery policies. We will uphold all anti-bribery and anti-corruption legislation in all jurisdictions where we operate. However, we remain bound by the laws in India in respect of our conduct both at home and abroad.


This policy applies to all officers, directors, managers, employees (both temporary or permanent), vendors, agents, representatives, Channel Partners and joint-venture partners of the Company, as well as anyone else doing business in the name of or with the Company, including suppliers, contractors, or subcontractors (collectively referred to as “Covered Parties”). Bribery and corruption are not tolerated by the company. Any violation of this policy will be treated seriously by the Company and may result in disciplinary as well as legal action.


Our company prohibits bribery in all forms. No bribes of any sort shall be paid or accepted from customers, suppliers, politicians, government/ public official, public advisors or representative’s private person or Company for or on behalf of the Company for or in respect of any business or official matters or transactions of the Company.

The Company/ Covered parties should not offer and/or provide any pecuniary or other benefits to Public Officials either directly or indirectly (i.e. through a third party). Furthermore, if there is a possibility that any Business Entertainment could give rise to a misunderstanding that the Company has conducted the Business Entertainment with the intention of gaining an improper business advantage (irrespective of its genuine intention), the person should not offer the Business Entertainment in such situation.

Our company recognizes that gifts, hospitality, and expenses may be a legitimate and customary part of business relationships. However, they must be reasonable, proportionate, and transparent, and must not create a conflict of interest or undermine the integrity of our company or the recipient.

Reporting and Investigation

Any Covered Party who believes or suspects that bribery or corruption has taken place must report it immediately to their (??) supervisor or a designated officer. The company will investigate all reports of bribery and corruption and take appropriate action.

Consequences of Breach

Any Covered Party who breaches this policy will face disciplinary action, which may include termination of employment or contract, and may also be subject to legal action.

Review and Monitoring

Our company regularly reviews and updates this policy to ensure it remains effective and complies with all relevant laws and regulations. We also monitor compliance with this policy and take appropriate measures to address any breaches.


Our company is committed to conducting business with integrity and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We take a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and expect all covered parties to comply with this policy.

The company reserves the right to modify or update this policy at any time.

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